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1000+ comments in a news post, yeah, I did it!

Corey Fielding @Sterockicy

Age 33, Male

OMG I got one!

is boring

Victoria, Australia

Joined on 6/14/06

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Just becuase you don't understand one of the more basic theories of maths doesn't mean school is pointless. When you have finished a year or two look back and think; "Hmm, was anything I have learnt in the past 3 years worth my while?"

And don't call the people who listen in class nerds, chances are they are way cooler than you. And pretty much anyone with above a level 10 at Newgrounds is a nerd caiptain 1,400 posts.


I never said I didn't understand it I just said I'm probably not going to need most of it.

I don't call anyone a nerd ever, I just used that word because I couldn't think of another word to describe them.

Also, I'm not a nerd I just enjoy NG when I have some free time. Plus, the way the world is now, everyone is using a computer. You cant class computer users as nerds because everyone does it. Is someone that spends hours on MySpace a nerd?

One of the only things you learn in highschool which IS of any use is maths. But you are right, a hell of a lot of it is a waste of time. In UK, from year 7 to 9, nothing is taught, from 10-11 you learn a little maths and english, but the rest is pointless garbage, then in 12 and 13 you go back to learning nothing unless you choose somehting which actualy has knowledge in it, like maths (thats the only subject where you learn facts that you can use, but like you said, only in certain workplaces). I didnt get as far as uni because my brain melted before year 13 due to the utter garbage staff was "teaching" me. I got a perfectly decent job in a new media company - a development role. I earn just ask much as a teacher does (regular teacher, not head of faculty or anything). So yea school isnt the only way, but make sure you have skills other then what they "teach" you at school, or else it may be a big problem when you "graduate"

Woah, big post. Also great story. I couldn't agree more!

It's not a waste of time.
You gotta learn life skills.

Math for bills, & all the other stuff you need to know so you can move out

I don't think you really learn life skills from high school. You learn life skills from life in general. Many of the life skills you do learn are not in school at at.

As for maths for bills, isn't that just addition? I am pretty sure you learn that at primary school.

I take it you suck at school?

Here's a summary of what you just said...
-You need primary school knowledge to keep yourself alive
-You need secondary school knowledge if you wish to make something of your life
(Not all nerds become teachers)

Now back to my differential calculus homework T.T

No not really. I am fairly intelligent in school. Sometimes I just wonder you know... I do plan to go onto year 12 and uni and make something of myself, i'm just not sure if I am going to need all of the stuff I take in

Listening in school doesn't make you a nerd, spending all your free time looking up obscure facts and not allowing anyone to not know about them makes you a nerd. So does wearing school uniform at home and over the weekends. Quite possibly playing educational games agravates your suituation of nerdyness quite a bit. Personally, I want to try hard in University and get a P.h.D. in both science & chemistry. Then I'll be waaaaaay to qualifyed to teach, and get a job paying somewhere between 100-250k per year. Hopefully.

I used the word 'nerd' as something people would understand. I couldn't think of another word for it. I don't call anyone who listens a nerd. I loved the comments you made about nerds though! :D

I also hope to get into the IT industry or something similar. IT is quite an easy industry to get into, only need a 70 ENTER score to make it into uni. How easy!

It doesn't seem like it now, but you WILL need those skills later on.

Other than that, I couldn't agree with you more! That is, until you got to the whole government conspiracy thing. That's just stupid...

I'm sure some of the things I learn will come in handy at one point or another.

As for the government thing, I just sort of made it up as I went along. I didn't really mean that as serious. Although it does make you wonder........

Trust me, I've always been upset that I have to take some of math courses that are required, but school, overall is necessary. All forms of education expand a person's mind, and that is probably one of the more valuable things you take from school.

And I'm very sure that most of the people leaving primary don't have the writing skills that will be required of them in a university environment. Hell, if you take a high school AP class, you'll be prepared for just about any college-level English class you take (unless the teacher is totally balls).

Good points. Thanks for the comment!

Yes I agree. That's why I dropped out.

LOL. How are you going in the big world now?

PPL seem to think that better grade they get, better life they get. They're wrong making something of your life doesn not have anything to do with school, you're just poisoned with this school propaganda crap, you can live in a jungle and have a good live.
And of course there's this "goverment conspiracy". Thats why goverment builds schools, and tells everyone to get good grades.

Dazmi says:
"It's not a waste of time. You gotta learn life skills."

Oh Puh-leeeze. They dont teach any of important life skills.
Those you need to learn by your self, if even such things exsist.

Great points. I couldn't have said it better myself.

You're right to a certain degree. Some things we do learn are completely useless and half the stuff i know was from outside, non-scholastic researh but you never know what skills you might need. Some of the most successful people in the world are really smart. If you drop out, you'll get a low paying job and possibly become homeless by the time your're 40.

Example: I am training to be a professional musician and I'm never offered music classes, so I need to learn about pitches, frequencies, and all that stuff. I'm also taking a "Writing in Publication" class this coming year in efforts to gain better lyrical and story-telling skills. Math is also used in music, very extensively in complex musical structures.

Great stuff. I dont plan to drop out of school. In fact I do take in as much as I can at school. Its better to learn everything and use a few skills than learn nothing and have no where to go.

This post has certainly spawned some long replies

I know. I am glad I could get such a response out of all these NG'rs.

I agree and disagree. There's a lot of pointless things in school like history although i like history it's pointless. If you ask a teacher their response would be word comprehension,memory,and other bullshit that say nothing about why it's important. Math is kinda tricky lots of jobs need math but not all of those forms of math. English is probably the most important and good concept of schol besides computer class because knowing bigger words makes you seem smarter and impress our boss. School's just like teaching you all the basic levels so you can have a foundation for college. So i agree and disagree with what you said.

And I agree completely with you. See when making a post like this you have to be really bias. I have other sides to that story but I didn't say them because then its not really worth making a point if you don't take a side. There are many things you learn at school that will come in handy, and others that wont with some and will with others.

Funnily enough, I learnt how to right persuasive text pieces at school. Tada!

Oh sorry for the double post. But the conspiracy is true actually kids are forced to go to school for a few reasons.
1. More high school graduates equals smarter next generation which then equals better jobs,businesses,and a more more capable work force.
2.Power and money with smarter people comes great inventions which other countries will want and a simple raising of the tax on goods being shipped increases the governments money and the economy.
3.Smarter minds become better generals better generals have a better chances of winning wars.
4.Inventions are the key to success of countries if one country makes the worlds strongest and fastest plsne every country that can afford it will want it.

It all comes down to power,money,and the ability to stay at top. Countries enforce going to school so they can ensure a rich and smarter nation for the future.

Very true. Some great points you make. Power and Money are the two most important things to make a country succeed. In fact, everyone hopes to get power and money in their lifes. It's pretty much what we have to come to think of as the "meaning of life"